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After seven years of research UKM’s scientists with the cooperation of MARDI’s research officers have successfully produced a variety of rice which not only can increase paddy yield and farmers’ income but also has properties with low glycemic index suitable for diabetics.

Value Through Scientific
Research & Development

We create values through product research and development to scientifically evaluate the goodness of our rice. We have vast experience of both small and large scale research projects.

Here are our ongoing research projects.

High GABA levels in sprouted UKMRC-9

The neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a functional food ingredient of growing importance in the preparation of GABA-enriched germinated brown rice. Eating GABA rice helps to stimulate motor learning and subconscious motor control. This analysis was carried out via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The crossbred red rice variety UKMRC-9 produced the highest level of GABA content (411 μg g–1).  Highest sprouting percentage was obtained after soaking the dehulled rice in water at 35 °C for 6 hours, drained and left overnight.

Quantification of Resistant Starch in UKMRC-9

Resistant starch (RS) is the starch portion resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis and will partially or wholly ferment in the large intestine. It positively influences the functioning of the digestive tract, gut microbial flora, blood cholesterol level, glycemic index (GI) and assists in the control of diabetes. Microbial fermentation of RS in the colon produces short chain fatty acids that are beneficial to colonic health. Applying a method of enzymatically degrading starch samples according to the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC 2002.02), the RS content of cooked UKMRC-9 rice was 8.5% whereas the cooked-chilled UKMRC-9 rice  was 9.3 % with the raw UKMRC-9 rice being 14%.

Clinical Trial of Low-GI, Polyphenol-Rich UKMRC9 Red Rice on Cardiometabolic Parameters in Patient With Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)

The objectives of this study is to evaluate the effects of replacing white rice with UKMRC-9 on the glycemic, lipid and inflammatory profiles of Malaysian T2D patients. The project also aims to characterize the blood plasma metabolome in relation to acute dietary exposures to UKMRC-9 constituents / metabolites and  assess the changes in mitochondrial structure and circulating exosomal microRNAs among T2D patients upon replacing white rice with UKMRC-9.

Icon Primera-05

Our traction

We strive to produce the best product with the best technology through as many channels as possible to reach our valued healthy consumers.

Research Since
Product Launched
Hectare Paddy Field
0 +
Metric Tonnes Production Per Year
0 +
Stores Nationwide
Icon Primera red-14

Our Achievements

2024 MySTI Logo


Primera Rice has been awarded the prestigious MySTI certificate by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI). This recognition highlights Primera Rice’s commitment to innovation, quality, and excellence in the field of agricultural science and technology. growth and consumer trust.



Primera Rice has been received Certificate of Recognition for the Malaysian Goods Logo by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN). By proudly carrying the Malaysian Goods Logo, Primera Rice reinforces its dedication to supporting local industries and promoting homegrown products, contributing to the nation's economic growth and consumer trust.

2023 Health Food Category
Malaysia Health and Wellness Brand Awards 2023
Malaysia Health & Wellness Brands Awards

Primera Rice has clinched victory in the Health Food category at the prestigious Malaysia Health & Wellness Brand Awards 2023 organised by Sin Chew Daily and Life Magazine. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to delivering high-quality, nutritious products to our customers. The prestigious award was presented by Dr. Zaliha Binti Mustafa, the Minister of Health Malaysia.

2021 Certified as GMO Free
Certified as GMO Free
gmo free, red rice, natural product

Genetically modified organism (GMO) is a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified in a laboratory using genetic engineering or transgenic technology. Ministry of Health has certified that Primera Rice is Non-Genetically Modified Food. The certificate was issued on 29 November 2021.

2021 Approved commercial cultivation under the SMART Sawah Berskala Besar
Approved commercial cultivation under the SMART Sawah Berskala Besar
drone, paddy field

SMART Sawah Berskala Besar (SSBB) is a planting model comprising seed producers, seed distributors, farmers, and rice millers as a team to plant selected paddy varieties on a large scale using smart farming techniques such as drones and other innovations. The objectives are to increase the paddy yield and farmer's revenue besides optimising the production cost and reducing wastage.

2020 High GABA
gaba primera rice, germinated rice

The neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a functional food ingredient of growing importance in the preparation of GABA-enriched germinated brown rice. Eating GABA rice helps to stimulate motor learning and subconscious motor control. This analysis was carried out via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sprouted UKMRC-9 produced the highest level of GABA content (411 μg g–1).

2018 Approved as Certified Seeds
Approved as Certified Seeds
Primera rice seed

Certified seed is the progeny of foundation and registered seed handled to maintain sufficient varietal identity and purity, grown by selected farmers under prescribed conditions of culture and isolation, and subjected to field and seed inspections prior to approval by Department of Agriculture. Harvest from this class is used for commercial planting. It is high in genetic purity, high in germination, vigor and good quality.

2017 High Impact Programme 2 (HIP2) Special Award
High Impact Programme 2 (HIP2) Special Award
HIP2 Platcom, UKMRC-9

HIP2 is a programme designed by SME Corporation Malaysia (SME Corp) and Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) for SMEs to help them seamlessly move their innovations along the complex stages of the commercialisation process. It is about 'Innovating A Better Future Together' through business matching and collaboration.

2017 Certified as Arsenic Free
Certified as Arsenic Free
Food,Label,With,Arsenic,Free,Newspaper, cutout

The arsenic content in rice varies depending on the type of the rice cultivar, the place where it was cultivated and how it was processed. Based on Heavy Metal Analysis, arsenic level for Primera Rice is <0.1 mg/kg and below the limit recommended <1mg/kg. It is safe to consume by all.

2017 High Zinc Content
High Zinc Content
High zinc Primera Rice

Zinc is a component with more than 300 enzymes to repair cell damage, retain fertility, synthesize proteins, and boost immunity among many important functions in human health. Whole grains like wheat, quinoa, rice and oats contain some zinc. Based on nutrient analysis, content of zinc in Primera Rice is 28 g/kg of rice.

2017 Local Market Entry
Local Market Entry
primera rice sampling activity

Primera Rice entered the local market in late 2017 with 1 kilogram packaging. Among the early retail outlets are Aeon, Village Grocer and C-Mart. Serba Wangi Sdn Bhd is the business collaborator and principal distributor for Primera Rice.

2017 Halal Certificate
Halal Certificate
Halal Jakim primerarice

Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) has to ascertain the halal status of the product at every stage and at every process involved by carrying out an official site inspection on the plants purposely to examine on how the halal status of the raw material is maintained and monitored at all times. Primera Rice has been certified as Halal since 1st January 2017.

2016 Low GI validation
Low GI validation
low gi primera rice, medium gi, high gi

This research was conducted to compare the postprandial glucometabolic responses to three newly-developed crossbred red rice variants against three selected commercial rice types. Amongst the rice, only UKMRC-9 facilitated the most desirable glucometabolic responses, particularly the acute postprandial insulin sensitivity. This study reconfirmed the low GI characteristic of UKMRC-9 (mean GI = 46 ± 7.7).

2016 Primera Trademark
Primera Trademark
trademark primera rice (1)

Primera trademark is registered with the Intellectual Property of Corporation Malaysia (MyIPO). The period of protection is from 12th August 2016 to 12th August 2026.

2014 NPV status
NPV status
NPV certificate Primera rice (1)

Plant Breeders' Rights also called Plant Variety Protection (PVP), is a form of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). It is an exclusive right granted to breeders of new varieties to exploit their varieties and has features that are in common with patents for industrial inventions. Certificate for UKMRC-9 as NPV was issued on 16th June 2014 with protection for 20 years w.e.f. 16th September 2019.

2011 Bronze Medal in PECIPTA
Bronze Medal in PECIPTA
Pecipta Certificate UKMRC-9, red rice

PERSIDANGAN DAN ESKPO CIPTAAN INSTITUSI PENGAJIAN TINGGI ANTARABANGSA (PECIPTA) is a biannual programme organised by Ministry of Education together with selected universities since 2001. This event showcases the creations and innovative products and services from the local and international institutions of higher education.

2001-2011 Varietal Development using Marker Assisted Backcrossing
Varietal Development using Marker Assisted Backcrossing
Varietal development MAB primerarice, marker assisted backcrossing


UKM scientists with the cooperation of Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) research officers successfully produced a variety of rice which not only can increase paddy yield but also has properties with low glycaemic index suitable for diabetics. The new paddy variant G33 named UKMRC-9 was filed for New Plant Variety status on 16 September 2019.

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